
Can I eat Quick Grow while breastfeeding? I’m 21 years old and have a four-month-old daughter. I’m only 148 cm tall, and my relatives and friends all say I’m short. So, I recently looked into an American Quick Grow supplement that claims to be effective at 20 years old, and I’m eager to try it. What suggestions do you have?


Whether you can grow taller mainly depends on whether your bone age has already closed. If your bone age is still open, there may be a chance to grow taller. However, if your bone age has closed, taking the American Quick Grow supplement will not achieve the desired effect of growth. It is recommended that you go to the hospital for a bone age test, which costs about 100 yuan, to determine your bone age status. If your bone age is not closed, you can run more often in your daily life, increase calcium intake by drinking more milk, or use medication under the guidance of a physician, all of which can help you grow taller.