
What is the situation where a child frequently has sticky, runny stools that resemble snot? They are thin and sticky with yellowish lumps and undigested matter. They happen several times a day, and the child often has an urge to defecate while sitting. The anal area is particularly red. This has been going on for a week now, and my child is formula-fed.


Based on your description, the baby may be suffering from indigestion or mild diarrhea. In this case, it is important to prevent dehydration. I suggest giving the baby some oral rehydration salts. You might also consider giving the baby probiotics to help regulate the gastrointestinal system. However, to determine the cause, it is best to take the baby to the hospital for a stool test so that treatment can be tailored accordingly. These are my suggestions for the question “My child has been having sticky, runny stools for six months,” hoping they are helpful to you, and wishing you health!