
My baby is just 8 months old. For the past few days, there has been occasional coughing, and medication has been administered, but now the coughing has increased, even during naptime. Is the condition worsening? Previous treatment and effects: Medication includes Compound Platycodon Lozenges, Ambroxol Oral Solution, Cefixime, and Pediatric Pneumonia Powder. Considering the symptoms are due to respiratory infection, there is a possibility of bronchitis or pneumonia. It is recommended to conduct a physical examination or chest X-ray for a detailed check.


  1. The main treatment is anti-inflammatory therapy; you can start by taking Cefixime granules for inflammation.
  2. If there is phlegm with the cough, you can add Pediatric Pneumonia Powder and Ambroxol to help expectorate; nebulization is also effective.
  3. In severe cases, intravenous antibiotic treatment may be necessary, with a course of approximately 7 days. Wishing your baby a healthy growth.