
Lately, my baby has been very fussy while drinking milk. After a few sips, he spits it out and then urgently wants more. After a few more sips, he spits again, and his body arches back. He also twists around while drinking. I’m not sure what the cause is. He doesn’t do this while breastfeeding, but my milk supply isn’t enough for him to be satisfied, so I have to supplement with formula. I’ve checked his mouth and found no issues; there’s no thrush or sores. The milk temperature is appropriate, but I wonder if it’s because his stomach is uncomfortable. I’ve been giving him Mommy Love milk formula, and he seems a bit bloated. A small pimple has appeared on his chin, and there’s some redness on his face that resembles eczema. I’ve been washing it off promptly to prevent eczema from forming. He becomes more cooperative when he’s really hungry and wants to nurse, and he doesn’t twist around much then. This is the general situation, and I’d like to know why he behaves this way. Thank you in advance for any expert advice.


  1. If your baby has had gastrointestinal diseases in the past, it might be due to incomplete recovery of the gastrointestinal function, leading to indigestion.
  2. Since the baby’s stomach and throat are not fully developed, they are prone to swallowing air while feeding. It is recommended to ensure that the baby’s mouth completely covers the nipple during feeding to avoid air intake. When using a bottle for feeding, make sure the nipple is full of milk; don’t worry about the milk being too forceful if it only fills half of the nipple, as this can cause air intake. Try the following methods if they are effective…