
The baby hasn’t had a bowel movement since 40 days ago. Hello, is everything alright? She eats and sleeps normally, but she hasn’t had a bowel movement. She used to have one every day, but today in the morning she did have one, but it was very little. Is this normal?


The baby’s small intestine is not fully developed and its function is not mature. It is recommended to take probiotics for a while, such as Yiyi Xueshu Bao. Yiyi Xueshu Bao has no side effects on the body and has some effects of repairing the intestinal mucosa, restoring the balance of intestinal flora, lubricating intestines and promoting defecation. Wishing you health. The above is a suggestion for the question “The baby hasn’t had a bowel movement for 40 days ago, how should I handle it?” and I hope it will be helpful to you. Wishing you health!