
My child has been diagnosed with epilepsy and is currently taking medication. They are recovering well. I’d like to ask the doctor about the differences between pediatric epilepsy and adult epilepsy, and how long it usually takes to discontinue medication?


Epilepsy is categorized into primary and secondary types. Primary epilepsy often has a hereditary component with a counterphobic personality, while secondary epilepsy commonly occurs due to various brain injuries or intracranial tumor diseases. Epilepsy has standardized treatment plans, with common medications including barbiturates and sodium valproate. If it’s not primary epilepsy, the treatment duration is longer, and it is recommended to undergo treatment under the guidance of a pediatrician at a general hospital. Pay attention to a light diet and easy-to-digest foods, take oral medication on time, have regular follow-up checks, and do not discontinue medication on your own; follow the doctor’s instructions.