
My baby is almost two years old. The other day, when I took him out to play, I gave him a bowl of jelly and two bottles of Shuangwai, a popular beverage. Yesterday, he started having diarrhea, and the stool was yellow, very sticky, resembling jelly. He had diarrhea 5 or 6 times in total yesterday. This morning, the stool was slightly thicker but still very sticky. Just now, he had a little more, and the color was grayish yellow with a faint red tinge, looking like blood. For the past few days, he has been eating rice and noodles, as well as milk. His gastrointestinal health has always been poor, prone to diarrhea. I want to know if this is blood in his stool? Is it normal for a child almost two years old not to be able to eat cold things? Recently, his appetite has also been poor; does this have anything to do with his gastrointestinal issues? He is in good spirits, doesn’t cry or fuss, and sleeps deeply. It’s just that his appetite isn’t very good. What could be the cause of this? What kind of assistance do I need: How should one with poor gastrointestinal health be nourished? Is he passing blood now? What causes blood in the stool?


Children may suffer from weakened spleen and stomach due to improper nourishment in the past, leading to insufficient spleen Yang and making them prone to nausea and vomiting after exposure to cold or consuming cold foods. The current situation cannot confirm bleeding; it is usually when there is inflammation and infection that the intestinal mucosa is easily damaged. The main treatment at present is to stop diarrhea; Simethicone or a combination of Shen Ling Bai Zhu may be taken.