A parent asks about their one-year-old baby who has developed many unknown substances on their face and frequently cries. The hospital has diagnosed it as yellow water blister, and they inquire about the treatment method.
Yellow water blister, also known as purulent vesiculosis, is a skin condition caused by infection with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus. After proper medication, there is usually significant improvement or spontaneous healing within 3-5 days. The solutions are as follows: (1) Oral: Amoxicillin capsules can be taken three times a day, one capsule each time, or roxithromycin tablets, two times a day, one and a half tablets each time; if the skin lesions are itchy, oral Cetrizine oral solution (cetirizine) can be taken once a day, 10mg each time. (2) Local treatment: First, disinfect the skin lesions with iodine tincture solution, then apply Baiduanbang soft cream twice or thrice a day.