
What’s causing white spots on a child’s nails? How to treat and what nutrients are needed? How to treat and what nutrients are needed if white spots appear on the nails? Previous treatment situations and effects: occasionally seen


From a clinical diagnosis perspective, white spots on the nails may have three possible causes. First, if there are frequent stomachache symptoms, it may indicate the presence of worms. Second, poor digestion. Third, a deficiency of certain trace elements. Therefore, it is recommended to first go to a regular hospital for a thorough examination before symptomatic treatment. Guidance: If there are worms, you can take some vermifuge. If digestion is poor, you can take Shenling Baizhu Powder for nourishment. If you are deficient in calcium, you can take some calcium gluconate tablets and cod liver oil. During this period, combine food supplementation with foods rich in calcium, such as milk products, fish, shrimp shells, kelp, and bone broth. At the same time, eat more foods rich in vitamin D, such as pork liver, lamb liver, and beef liver, to enhance the absorption of calcium.