
During the process of ice skating, a two-and-a-half-month-old baby was found to have stiff thigh muscles in the left leg, while the right leg is flexible. What could be the problem? Should I take the child to see a doctor, and which clinic should I visit? Moreover, the child has also been suffering from vomiting and frothy stools for a week. The baby was checked at the hospital yesterday, and the stool test results showed acute enteritis. The doctor prescribed Mamylove. Is this treatment appropriate?


For the first question, the stiffness in the baby’s left thigh muscles may be caused by muscle tension or a minor muscle strain, which is relatively common in infants. It is recommended to observe for a few days and provide gentle massage and warm water baths to help relax the muscles. If the condition does not improve or other symptoms appear, it is advisable to take the child to see a doctor, and you can visit the general surgery or neurology clinic. As for the second question, Mamylove is used to regulate intestinal flora, usually for treating digestive disorders and gastrointestinal problems caused by flora imbalance. For acute enteritis, the efficacy of this drug may not be very ideal, as it has a weak effect on Escherichia coli. In comparison, calcium phospholipid tablets or cefradine powder may be more effective. However, since the child is very young, it is best to use these medications under the guidance of a professional doctor.