
A 7-year-old child has experienced hair loss since his first haircut as a baby. Some parts of his head no longer grow hair, with sparse front and side hair that resembles a bald patch, which is very unattractive. The hair on the back of his head is also sparse. The child’s parents are worried that this condition might persist and are unsure of what to do.


Just like the growth of the body, hair growth in infants can vary in terms of timing and speed. If the child’s hair thinning is due to diseases such as malnutrition, poor constitution, or underdevelopment, attention should be paid to adjusting the diet, enhancing nutrition, and exercising regularly. Special care should be taken to ensure the supply of nutrients such as protein, fats, and vitamins. It is recommended to consume more eggs, milk, lean meat, fish, soy products, and to moderately intake cod liver oil and vitamins A, B1, B2.