
My baby always sleeps with the breast in their mouth during naps. I’ve tried pulling the breast out after they fall asleep, but they always wake up shortly afterward and I have to let them keep sucking again. I want to wean them, but they only eat breast milk and not formula, and I have to let them suck on the breast to get them to nap. Fellow mothers, please share your experiences and advice. What can I do to help my baby break this bad habit of sleeping with the breast in their mouth?


Based on your description, your baby’s habit of sleeping with the breast in their mouth has already become ingrained. At one year old, it’s time to wean them. You can try giving them a bottle before their nap, which might help. This is akin to them sleeping with a pacifier. It’s quite tiring for you not to wean them, and they will also become dependent on you,Unwilling to eat other. Moreover, breast milk at one year old lacks sufficient nutrition. You can also try reading stories or playing music before their nap. My child likes to fall asleep while holding an adult’s arm for security.