
Can chicken pox patients take antibiotics? I have a sore throat and occasionally a high fever. The onset was 4 days ago, and the test results indicate chicken pox. The medications I have taken and their effects: I am currently taking Acyclovir, Shuanghuanglian capsules, and Huasuan tablets. Can I add anti-inflammatory medication to these? Additionally, there is a lump on the back of my neck, below my ear, which resembles a tendinous lump. Is this related to chicken pox?


According to the description, the patient is experiencing sore throat and occasional high fever along with chicken pox, which may indicate a bacterial infection, so it can be considered to take broad-spectrum antibiotics for inflammation. As for the lump on the back of the neck, below the ear, it is lymph node enlargement caused by chicken pox, and there is no need to worry; it will gradually disappear. This is the suggestion for the question “Can chicken pox patients take anti-inflammatory medication?” I hope it helps you; wishing you good health!