
My daughter is 2 years old, and she has been complaining of ear pain for the past few days. I also noticed that her earwax is purulent and a bit yellow, and she sometimes has a low-grade fever. How should otitis media be diagnosed and treated in children?


Otitis media is a common ear condition in children, and the main treatment method in clinical practice is the use of antibiotic medications. Depending on the child’s symptoms, medication can be used symptomatically, including systemic medication and regional treatment (such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops). If the ear pain is severe, painkillers may be administered; if there is a high fever, medication should be used according to the symptoms. During treatment, attention should be paid to the child’s nutritional supplementation, with a diet that is light and easy to digest, and ensuring adequate rest to avoid fatigue. If an eardrum perforation occurs, timely surgical treatment is required. In case of severe conditions, please seek medical attention at a hospital as soon as possible.