
Symptoms: Headache, runny nose, dizziness, nausea; onset two days ago; blood test results: white blood cells 13,000; previous treatment and results unknown; I just read someone else’s post saying it can’t be cured. What kind of TCM formula can cure it on its own? Please guide me, experts. Thank you.


Nasal sinusitis can be treated with ‘Qiangyingzi Powder’ in combination with other herbs. There are ready-made medicines like ‘Nasal Depth Granules’ based on this formula. You can try it. If there is pain when pressing on the indentation under the eyes and above the cheekbone, it is likely to have nasal sinusitis. It is suggested to take an X-ray for further diagnosis. If diagnosed with nasal sinusitis, it is necessary to actively treat it. You can use fenamates nasal drops, but be mindful of the position after applying the drops for upper nasal sinusitis, which should be tilted towards the affected side, and for ethmoid sinusitis or sphenoid sinusitis, you should sit with your knees bent and head low after applying the drops.