
My baby is already 33 days old, but their skin still looks yellow. What could be the reason? Some people say it might be jaundice. If that’s the case, what are the consequences? Thank you.


Jaundice refers to the yellowing of a baby’s skin and mucous membranes 2-3 days after birth, which does not accompany any other symptoms and typically resolves on its own within 7-10 days. Premature infants may take up to 3-4 weeks to clear. Sunlight exposure or sunbathing can assist in healing, while pathologic jaundice refers to persistent jaundice that does not resolve. When assessing a baby’s jaundice, the most important reference is the serum bilirubin level. If the total serum bilirubin level is below 205 umol and accompanied by various clinical diagnostic symptoms, it should be considered pathologic jaundice. Further medical consultation and treatment are required.