
Are there any dietary or medication methods to enhance memory? My son is now 12 years old and in the first year of junior high school. He has had poor memory since elementary school, and his grades have always been low. At the age of three, he had a trace element test done in Changsha, and the results showed iodine deficiency and mild lead poisoning. He has not received treatment since then. Hi, are there any dietary or medication methods for memory enhancement in adolescents? Are they effective?


Iodine deficiency in children and adolescents can lead to thyroid enlargement, growth and development delays, and intellectual disabilities, all of which are irreversible, and correction later on is not necessarily satisfactory. It is recommended to give the child appropriate amounts of various vitamin tablets and brain-nourishing supplements. In terms of diet, it is also advisable to eat more brain-boosting foods like walnuts. Do not let the child be too exhausted; avoid excessive academic pressure, as this can have the opposite effect. Gradually guide the child’s learning and increase their interest in studying, which will be beneficial for their physical and mental growth and development.