
What should I do if my child has an enlarged tonsil, but they are in good spirits, eating dinner as usual, and only cough a few times a day? They’ve had this for over a month. I’m looking for any helpful advice on how to deal with a child’s enlarged tonsil.


Most children have slightly enlarged tonsils when they are not inflamed. If the tonsils are inflamed, there will be throat pain and possibly fever. If the child complains of throat pain that eases when eating, and if there is a fever, the tonsils may be inflamed. In such cases, it’s advisable to visit the otolaryngology or pediatric department of a hospital. Severe cases may require medication for inflammation, while mild cases can be treated with symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. To prevent such issues, it’s important to avoid catching colds and to eat less of irritating food like fried and grilled meats that can upset the stomach.