
After the child’s fever dropped to 39.2 degrees at night using rectal fever-reducing medicine, it has now risen again to 39.5 degrees. Are there any physical cooling methods that can be used, as going to the hospital with a high fever may not result in immediate treatment?


I am a Quick Ask Doctor’s Consultation Doctor, pleased to help clarify your concerns. How does the child currently feel - cold or hot? Is their face red or pale? If they feel hot, you can use physical cooling methods in conjunction. If there is sweating, wipe the body dry immediately, change into new clothes, add more blankets, take a warm bath, apply cool towels to the head, and so on. These are suggestions for the question ‘After the child’s fever dropped to 39.2 degrees at night using rectal fever-reducing medicine,’ hoping they are helpful to you, and wishing you good health!