
A 15-month-old baby has been vomiting and has had diarrhea for two days. He started dry heaving last night, and this morning, medicine was applied to his belly and feet, medication was given rectally, and a chicken gizzard powder was prescribed. However, by noon, there was no improvement. Not feeding him is better, but as soon as he eats something, he vomits! He is currently seeking advice from a TCM practitioner who suggests fasting, but the child cries for food uncontrollably. He drinks water when given, and when fed a little milk, he seems hungry! What should I do to help him recover health faster?


This condition in the child may be caused by a bacterial infection, so it’s best to measure his temperature and consider a hospital visit. It is recommended to have a routine blood test, a stool test, and check electrolytes. If there is an electrolyte imbalance, intravenous fluid therapy may be needed to replenish electrolytes and water. Currently, if the child has poor appetite for food, he can skip meals and mainly receive nutrition through intravenous infusion. At the same time, it is best to give the child Montmorillonite powder to treat the vomiting.