
My baby is six days old and has already become accustomed to being fed with a bottle, but the amount of breast milk is insufficient, and the baby refuses to suckle on the breast. When trying to force the baby to suckle on the breast, the baby cries very sadly and still refuses to suckle on the breast. I would like to ask how to help the baby switch back and increase the breast milk.


If there is insufficient breast milk and the baby has already become accustomed to bottle feeding, it is indeed more difficult to restore breastfeeding. However, if you want the baby to accept breast milk, it is recommended to feed the baby breast milk when the baby is hungry. If you are worried about the baby crying, you can only stop trying when the baby is willing. It is suggested that mothers eat foods rich in nutrients such as chicken soup, fish soup, lean meat, and milk, as well as common foods that promote lactation such as pig’s hoof, in order to increase breast milk production. These are suggestions for the “baby who has been used to bottle feeding for six days” issue, and I hope they will be helpful to you. Wish you good health!