
A 9-year-old boy was injured in a fall from an electric scooter, resulting in a leg injury. The doctor presented two treatment options: surgical treatment and conservative treatment, which involves immobilizing the leg with a plaster cast and gradually recovering. What is the best treatment option for the child?


A 9-year-old girl suffered a minor fracture in her leg after a fall. According to the X-ray, the fracture was not too displaced and the lines were aligned well. It is recommended to use a plaster cast for immobilization instead of surgical treatment. Although surgical internal fixation is an option, it would require a second surgery to remove the internal fixation device in the future. For fractures in this area in children, healing can take 6 to 8 weeks. Using a plaster cast is the better choice, even if there is some displacement, as children have strong self-repair capabilities and will not suffer from any after-effects. The above is advice for the question of “What is the best treatment option for a 9-year-old boy who was injured in a fall from an electric scooter with a leg injury?” I hope it will be helpful to you and wish you good health!