
Dear experts, I would like to ask, my baby is almost four months old and is currently often spitting up milk (these two days are clear water and some white chunks like tofu), and when she passes gas, she also releases some very runny stool. However, her general condition seems fine; she just seems to be more prone to crying and fussing than before. Is this normal? By the way, she likes to suck her hand, and as soon as she starts, she uses her hand to vigorously scratch her throat, and then she throws up. Additionally, she often has diarrhea with loose stools and foam. I am very worried. Please provide an expert answer. Thank you very much.


Spitting up is a common phenomenon in babies and can be caused by two factors: one is a symptom of systemic or gastrointestinal diseases, and the other is the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract that make it prone to vomiting again. 1. Feed in sufficient quantities but not too much. 2. Feed in small, frequent meals to increase the stomach’s tolerance for pressure. 3. After each feeding, hold the baby upright on your shoulder and gently pat the baby’s back. This action can expel the air swallowed into the stomach, thereby increasing the pressure on the stomach.