
What causes a baby to spit up? How should one deal with constant spitting up? I hope you can help me out. Past treatment and results: None. Type of help desired: How to solve the problem of spitting up.


After feeding, gently lift and lower the baby, making small movements. Rough shaking can lead to spit-up or vomiting. The amount of spit-up is usually small and does not significantly affect the baby’s growth and development. As the baby grows older, this situation will naturally improve. It is recommended to let the baby’s mouth fully encircle the nipple during feeding, avoiding any gaps, so that air does not enter. When using a bottle, ensure that the milk fills the nipple completely, not just half way, which can lead to air ingestion. After feeding, hold the baby on your shoulder and gently pat their back, which helps expel the air swallowed.