
The child had a routine blood test and the doctor said it was a viral infection. After taking medication for a few days, they went to the children’s hospital for a recheck and it turned out to be a bacterial infection. They took two doses of 1.5g Azithromycin at 6:30 PM yesterday and 8 AM today. They started coughing continuously from 6:30 PM when they returned from the hospital last night and have been coughing until this morning. They went to the emergency department for another routine blood test, and the white blood cells have turned around. The doctor prescribed Ceftriaxone infusion, but the medication hasn’t been paid for yet. I would like to consult whether it’s okay to use Ceftriaxone drops after the white blood cells have turned around, thank you.


From your test results, it’s encouraging that there’s a bacterial infection present, especially since the white blood cell count is low in this age group, which is usually indicative of a viral infection. That is to say, your little one has a mixed respiratory infection. There’s no problem in using Ceftriaxone, and you can also use medications to boost white blood cell counts.