
My child is 8 years old and has recently developed tonsillitis, with difficulty swallowing. What dietary precautions should I take? What foods are recommended or should be avoided?


When a child has tonsillitis, diet plays an important role in addition to medical treatment. Here are some dietary suggestions for children with tonsillitis:

  • Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables: These foods are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which help boost immunity and are easy to digest. For example, apples and kiwis have the effect of resolving phlegm, moistening the lungs, and are beneficial in alleviating tonsillitis symptoms.
  • Choose easily digestible foods: During the illness, cooking soft porridge or noodles can help children absorb nutrients better and reduce the burden on the digestive system.
  • Avoid irritating foods: Foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood may exacerbate tonsillitis symptoms and should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Cultivate good eating habits: Encourage your child to develop a habit of not being picky or having a preference for certain foods, ensuring balanced nutrition intake. This helps improve the child’s overall immunity and reduce the likelihood of recurrent tonsillitis.