
What to Do If a Child’s Left Eyelid Has a White Spot?


A white spot on a child’s left eyelid might indicate a chalazion. On the surface, there is a slight bulge inside the child’s left eyelid, feeling like granules when touched, about 1.5mm in size. When flipped open, it appears white, and underneath, there’s a small white dot without any bulge. There are no signs of pain or discomfort. The absence of pain and reaction may suggest the presence of a chalazion. Chalazion is a common clinical diagnosis and is also known as meibomian gland cyst, which is a chronic inflammatory granuloma caused by the obstruction of the meibomian gland ducts and the retention of secretions. Both children and adults can be affected by this condition. It is advisable for parents to bring the child to an ophthalmology department in the hospital for examination and diagnosis by a professional doctor to receive appropriate treatment.