
My baby just turned a month old, and we went to get the vaccination while also transitioning to solid food. Starting on the third day, the baby began to pass yellow stool, about five to six times a day. The baby seems spirited, but has a poor appetite. Now the stool contains milk residue, and I don’t know what’s going on.


Based on the information you provided, it is recommended to pay attention to hygiene during breastfeeding, keep the nipples clean, and ensure hand hygiene after the baby uses the toilet. Since the baby’s stool may be affected by the mother’s milk, the mother should also pay attention to a balanced diet, eat appropriately, avoid fried and junk food, and maintain regular eating habits, drinking less cold drinks. You can give your baby an antidiarrheal powder (one packet per dose, three times a day before feeding) and a triple-strain probiotic powder (one packet per dose, twice a day, taken half an hour after feeding with warm water).