
How do I get a chest X-ray and CT scan done, my child is 3 weeks old, and they have been severely coughing, suspecting a tracheal foreign body. A chest X-ray, chest perspective, and one CT scan were taken within 2 days. Later, it was ruled out. Is there any significant impact! Is the radiation very high, I am very worried! Please answer the doctor! Thank you very much!!!


Based on your description, a 3-year-old child underwent a chest X-ray, chest perspective, and CT scan, with the radiation dose from these tests within an acceptable range. I recommend not to over worry; these levels of radiation are understandable in clinical practice. Additionally, consuming more fruits and vegetables in the near future can aid the body’s natural radiation elimination. This is the advice for the question “Inquire about pediatric chest X-ray and CT scan?” I hope it is helpful to you, and wish you good health!