
Yesterday afternoon, a child developed a fever of 38.5 degrees, which was confirmed by blood tests to be caused by a cold. The doctor prescribed Miao Tai pediatric Chai Gui fever granules and ibuprofen suspension. This morning, the child’s body temperature has returned to normal, but diarrhea symptoms have appeared, with stools resembling egg flower soup. No treatment has been received yet, and consultation is sought on the method of dealing with diarrhea and whether medical attention is needed.


The situation you described may be due to improper diet or infection, leading to dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a common problem in infants and young children, mainly because their digestive systems have not fully developed and cannot adapt to changes in the quality and quantity of food. When improper diet, catching a cold, or falling ill occurs, it is easy to cause intestinal dysfunction and trigger dyspepsia. Here are some common treatment methods:

  1. Dietary Adjustment: Reduce the amount of food to lighten the burden on the gastrointestinal system.