
My child has been having diarrhea for several days and now also has a fever and is feeling drowsy all day. The child is a girl, one week old. The diarrhea has been coming back repeatedly after taking medication. Today, the child has been drowsy all day, even after waking up from a nap. Have given her some Montmorillonite powder, Ceftriaxone, and diarrhea formula milk?


After several days of diarrhea, if your child suddenly becomes drowsy today, be aware of the possibility of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, especially hypokalemia. First, have your child’s electrolytes checked; if there is indeed an electrolyte imbalance, you will need to administer fluids to correct it. Second, increase the dosage of Montmorillonite powder for better effectiveness; don’t worry about an overdose as it does not get digested in the intestines. Third, if your child’s spirits are very low or if there is a significant recurrence of abdominal pain, it may be necessary to take her to the emergency department.