
What kind of help can be recommended for children with frequent and urgent urination?


Frequent urination in children is quite common. The causes of frequent urination can be divided into two main categories: pathological (caused by diseases) and physiological. Pathological frequent urination may be due to infections, stones, tumors, or the presence of foreign objects, with urinary tract infections being the most common. After a urinary tract infection in children, the amount of urine each time may not be much, but the frequency of urination increases significantly, and symptoms such as urgency and pain may also occur. Physiological frequent urination, in addition to excessive drinking, cold weather, and uncomfortable clothing, is most commonly due to psychological factors. Once you discover that your child has frequent urination, look for the cause - do not become anxious and question your child about this and that, nor should you be surprised and ask others about treatments, as this may reinforce your child’s need to urinate.