
How to treat a newborn with a C-reactive protein level of 107? The newborn is 23 days old, discharged from the hospital 4 days after birth, being breastfed at home. Recently, there has been a decrease in appetite, and this morning the body temperature reached 38.9 degrees. After medical examination, it was found that the C-reactive protein index was 107 and the white blood cell index was 12.8. The doctor suspects the baby might have sepsis or meningitis and inquires about the possibility of cure, treatment duration, and potential complications.


Based on the described situation, the newborn may be experiencing symptoms such as drowsiness due to post-meningitic sequelae, possibly affecting the nervous system. It is advised to immediately go to the hospital for detailed examination and appropriate treatment. Generally, the treatment course lasts for about 7 to 14 days, and if treated promptly, it usually does not leave any complications. Parents should closely monitor their child’s symptom changes and assist in treatment in a timely manner to minimize the impact of the disease on the child.