
A 22-month-old child suddenly developed a fever of 39 degrees Celsius the night before, which was brought down with ibuprofen. The next day, a doctor’s visit revealed blisters in the mouth, diagnosed as herpangina, with no rash on the hands or feet. How should it be treated?


Herpangina usually has a good prognosis and most patients recover within a week. The focus of treatment is symptom management and oral care. Here are some treatment recommendations:

  1. Isolate the patient and disinfect the environment to prevent cross-infection.
  2. Provide symptomatic treatment and maintain oral hygiene. When oral blisters are severe, you can use Chlorhexidine Gluconate Mouthwash or apply it to the affected area, or prepare Metamucil into a paste and apply it to the oral ulcers with a cotton swab after meals.
  3. Keep the baby’s clothing and bedding clean and choose comfortable, soft clothing and change it regularly.
  4. Trim the baby’s nails or wrap their hands if necessary to prevent scratching the skin rash.