
My baby is 2.5 years old, and during today’s physical examination, the doctor said the baby’s height is only 83 centimeters, which does not meet the standard. Both my husband and I are only 1.55 and 1.60 meters tall, respectively. Nutritional supply is fundamental in promoting growth. We need to provide our baby with abundant and reasonable nutrition to meet the needs of growth and development. We should give our baby more foods rich in various nutrients, such as legumes, eggs, fish and shrimp, dairy products, lean meat, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C and A as well as calcium, etc. Especially calcium, as babies have a high demand for it, so adding appropriate amounts of calcium and cod liver oil for infants and school-age children is very beneficial for growth.


To address a baby’s height not reaching standards, the following methods can promote growth:

  1. Ensure the baby receives adequate and balanced nutrition, including proteins, calcium, and vitamin D.
  2. Increase intake of foods rich in various nutrients such as legumes, eggs, fish and shrimp, dairy products, and lean meat.
  3. Consume more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C and A as well as inorganic salts like calcium.
  4. Supplement with an appropriate amount of calcium and cod liver oil.
  5. Ensure the baby gets enough sleep since growth hormones are released more during nighttime sleep.
  6. Encourage the baby to engage in moderate exercise such as jumping rope and swimming, which are helpful for height growth.