
The baby started eating formula milk at 3 months of age. On the afternoon of the previous day, the baby began to vomit milk in large amounts, and again shortly after feeding in the evening. This continued for two consecutive days. I thought it was digestive discomfort, so I gave probiotics, but the situation did not improve. On the second day, the baby only vomited once, and then switched to breast milk, but vomited again after feeding. The parents are asking what this is due to and need urgent help.


Based on the parent’s description, the baby’s condition may be physiological reflux, which is due to the incomplete development of the muscle of the baby’s stomach entrance (pylorus). For physiological reflux, the following measures are recommended:

  1. Do not overfeed the baby during each feeding, and the amount of feeding should be moderate.
  2. After feeding, hold the baby upright against your shoulder and pat their back to help expel excess air from the stomach.
  3. Be gentle with holding and swaying the baby after feeding to avoid vigorous movements.
  4. Probiotics may help improve intestinal function, but their effect on physiological reflux is limited, so it is recommended to use them as directed by a doctor. If the baby continues to spit up or shows other symptoms of discomfort, it is recommended to take the baby to a doctor as soon as possible to rule out other potential health issues.