
A five-month-old baby has been diagnosed with epilepsy and is currently taking oxcarbazepine medication, and has not had any seizures since. How often should the child be reviewed, and what should be checked during the review?


Epilepsy can be cured with proper treatment, with most patients experiencing a good recovery. It is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine to treat by nourishing the heart and kidneys, clearing phlegm and extinguishing wind, opening the orifices and calming epilepsy, promoting blood circulation to resolve stasis, and calming the liver and draining fire. This helps regulate the physical condition, strengthen the body’s foundation, and reduce recurrence. Traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects, treats both symptoms and root causes, and achieves a good therapeutic effect. Regular follow-up checks are suggested, with the review including an EEG, routine blood tests, liver and kidney function tests, etc.