
The baby has a bowel movement every other day, which has been going on for over two months. What treatment methods are available?


The baby’s hair loss may be caused by various factors, including malnutrition, calcium deficiency, anemia, and physiological acne. Long-term lack of protein, zinc, iron, copper, vitamins A, B2, B6, C, D, H (biotin), and M (folic acid) may also lead to dry, brittle hair and hair loss. It is recommended to test the baby’s hair and trace elements to provide targeted treatment. You can give the child a little cod liver oil (which contains vitamin D) twice a day, 3-5 drops each time. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should pay attention to eating more vitamin D-rich foods such as liver, eggs, cod liver oil, as well as foods high in calcium such as milk, beans, and seafood. In addition, fungal infections are also common causes of childhood acne, so it is recommended to undergo corresponding treatment.