
Are the symptoms of exfoliation over the body and facial lichenoid lesions in a newborn, which appeared around ten days after birth, indicative of eczema? Past experiences have shown that the diagnosis at local pet hospitals and pediatric wards has varied, with some suggesting eczema and others suspecting ichthyosis. What steps should be taken to accurately diagnose and treat the condition?


Based on the symptoms presented, it is likely that the condition may be ichthyosis. Although there is currently no cure, effective control of the condition can be achieved through proper treatment methods and medications. It is crucial to have a correct understanding of ichthyosis and to avoid the use of corticosteroid medications, which may cause serious side effects. Natural therapies such as herbal baths or treatments like Bailian Yijing have been proven to be safe and effective in treating ichthyosis. Additionally, parents should pay attention to their child’s diet and lifestyle, encouraging plenty of water intake and a diet rich in vitamin A, as well as maintaining good skin moisturization and protection against cold weather to reduce the risk of exacerbating the condition. If the child shows complete recovery after treatment, it is recommended to undergo a second course of treatment to reinforce the effects and to minimize the risk of recurrence. Lastly, if parents are considering having another child, it is important to understand that ichthyosis can be inherited across generations, but through proper treatment and care, the risk of inheritance can be significantly reduced.