
At 13 days old, the baby’s jaundice has not subsided. The child sleeps a lot during the day, is lively at night, has a good appetite, has frequent bowel movements, and has slightly gained weight. Jaundice appeared 3 days after birth, and there is suspicion that it may be pathological jaundice.


Jaundice is a common phenomenon in newborns. Generally speaking, physiological jaundice does not require excessive concern; following medical instructions, taking medication on time, and performing proper care are sufficient. Pathological jaundice can have various causes, including infectious (such as hepatitis and sepsis) and non-infectious (such as hemolytic diseases and genetic disorders), with symptoms including the early onset of jaundice, severe intensity, prolonged duration, or recurrence. Treatment methods include identifying the cause, reducing serum bilirubin levels, liver protection, and anti-infection measures.