The 3-month-old baby started dry heaving from 4 am until noon. After being taken to the hospital and receiving an injection, the baby still did not urinate and was listless. 10mg of Stomach Comfort and 2ml of Gentamicin Cross-Linked Vitamin B Injection were administered. Upon returning home, the baby had a fever with a body temperature of 38 degrees, and a fever-reducing injection was administered again.
Improper feeding methods may be the cause. Feel free to ask again if there is anything unclear, your health is our greatest joy! Newborns have a wider esophageal sphincter, making it easier for stomach contents to reflux. Sometimes it’s because the baby has been fed too much and is vomiting out excess milk; sometimes it’s because air was swallowed during feeding without burping, causing stomach contraction and spitting up milk. As the child grows older and the sphincter muscle strengthens, and as they can sit up and burp on their own, the vomiting will naturally disappear. The above suggestions are for the question ‘Why does a 7-month-old baby vomit when feeding,’ hoping it can help you, wishing you good health!