
What are the nursing plan and measures for this child?


The nursing plan and measures for this child include close monitoring of the condition, supportive care, respiratory support, antibiotic treatment, nutritional support, and symptomatic treatment. The specific measures are as follows:

  1. Close observation of the condition: including vital signs, breathing rate, mental state, coughing situation, sputum characteristics, urine output, etc.
  2. Supportive care: keep the child calm and comfortable, avoiding stimulation.
  3. Respiratory support: provide oxygen inhalation or mechanical ventilation according to the condition.
  4. Antibiotic treatment: choose sensitive antibiotics based on drug sensitivity tests, using them early, in adequate doses, and for a full course.
  5. Nutritional support: ensure the child’s intake of calories and nutrients, maintaining a balance of water and electrolytes.
  6. Symptomatic treatment: treat the child’s symptoms such as coughing and fever accordingly. In addition, treatment effects should be assessed regularly, and treatment plans adjusted accordingly.