Why do children urinate frequently?
Frequent urination in children can be due to several reasons:
- Local factors, such as inflammation of the urethral opening, phimosis, or pinworm irritation in the perineum.
- Dietary polyuria, which is an increase in urine volume due to excessive water intake or a preference for sugary drinks.
- Neurogenic frequent urination, caused by underdeveloped bladder detrusor muscles or immature nerves in infants.
- Urinary tract infections, such as cystitis or pyelonephritis, often accompanied by urinary pain and fever.
- Special diseases, such as diabetes or diabetes insipidus, which are accompanied by symptoms like thirst, increased appetite, and weight loss. Treatment Methods:
- Observe the child’s frequency of urination; if the urine volume is not much and there are no other symptoms, it may be due to local factors and regional treatment measures can be taken.
- If frequent urination is accompanied by increased urine volume, it is appropriate to reduce the child’s water intake and teach them proper urination to reduce residual urine.
- If a urinary tract infection is suspected, seek medical attention for urine tests and corresponding treatment.
- If accompanied by symptoms like thirst, increased appetite, and weight loss, it may be diabetes or other endocrine diseases; seek medical attention for detailed examination as soon as possible.
- Under the guidance of a doctor, medication treatment and other treatment measures can be taken.