
Is it normal for a child to not speak by the time they are almost two years old?


For late bloomers, it’s important to guide them slowly. Initially, it might be due to delayed language development in the child, caused by both environmental and pathological factors. (1) Environmental factors: In the family, if different dialects are used when speaking to the child, for example, if the father speaks Mandarin, the mother speaks Shanghai dialect, the grandmother speaks Ningbo dialect, and the babysitter speaks Sichuan dialect, then the child may find it difficult to adapt when learning to speak. Parents may have little interaction with their children, some too busy with their own affairs or not talkative enough, neglecting language communication with the child, leading them to grow up in a very quiet environment without opportunities to speak with adults or respond. Due to delayed responses caused by environmental factors, stabilizing the environment and enhancing special training will quickly catch up with normal development. (2) Pathological factors: Many diseases, such as intellectual developmental delays, cerebral palsy, hearing impairments, infantile autism, central nervous system damage, or endocrine disorders, can lead to delayed responses and also have other additional abnormal manifestations. Mild intellectual developmental delay in children may start speaking 1 to 3 years later than normal. Guidance: It is recommended to take the child to a women and children’s health care center for a thorough examination. For example, check for possible congenital diseases like cerebral palsy and examine how flexible the tongue and lips are in the oral organs.