
The baby does not sleep at night and cries, sometimes refusing milk, crying for a while before eating, with little change in weight, a very red face, and sometimes green stools. The face becomes pale after defecation. The appetite is uniform, prone to fever, and is a premature baby. This situation started at 8 months old, and the cause is unknown. What were the previous treatment situations…


This condition may be caused by hypocalcemia. It is recommended to try taking oral calcium gluconate and Icodextrin, get more sunlight exposure, and consume more calcium-rich foods such as bone soup, crucian carp soup, and lean meat. Typically, children under 2 years old need 400-600 milligrams of calcium per day, and normal diet can only provide two-thirds of this amount, so additional calcium supplementation is needed. The body has mechanisms to adjust calcium absorption, and excess calcium will be excreted through urine and feces. Overdosing on oral calcium will not cause poisoning, but it is important to pay attention to the intake of vitamin D to avoid toxicity.