
What should children eat for calcium and cod liver oil supplements? Over the past week, the child has cried more often at night, stopping when carried, easily waking up, and sweating excessively. I’m not sure if it’s okay to give the child Sanjing Gluconate Calcium Oral Solution and Vitamin A&D drops, and how to administer them.


Based on the child’s condition, appropriate amounts of calcium and Vitamin A&D supplementation should be provided. However, the crying could also be due to fright. It is not recommended to use the Sanjing Gluconate Calcium Oral Solution as the dosage is hard to control. If the child is on formula milk, consuming 600 milliliters per day is enough to meet the calcium requirement without additional supplementation. If the child is breastfed, they need 500 milligrams of calcium daily. The daily requirement for Vitamin D is 400-600 units, and for Vitamin A, it’s 1500 units. If the crying is due to fright, Zhu Sha An Shen Ding Jing can be tried for calming and soothing. The specific method is to use one to two grams of Zhu Sha, wrap it in paper, then in red cloth, tie it with a red string, and let the child wear it so that it reaches the line connecting the two nipples. However, be cautious as Zhu Sha contains toxicity; do not let the child ingest it. Remove it during bath time and do not wear it for more than a week. The principle is to allow the medicinal gas of Zhu Sha to pierce the child’s skin for its effect.