
Why does a child’s head circumference only measure as large as a 3-year-old’s?


By the age of five, the child should have reached seven years old, yet his head circumference remains that of a 3-year-old. Are there any symptoms present? What has been the past treatment and its effectiveness? Has the child never received treatment? What kind of assistance is needed? Is a small head circumference in children normal? If the small head circumference is not due to hereditary factors (small head circumference of the parents), then it may be a sign of typical developmental delay.

Opinion Guidance

The child can take Longmu Strong Bone Granules for treatment. Longmu Strong Bone Granules are a compound preparation of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine component helps regulate the spleen and stomach, enhancing appetite and absorption, while the Western medicine component supplements calcium and vitamin D, aiding in calcium absorption. Not only can it treat and prevent rickets and osteomalacia, but it can also treat symptoms such as excessive sweating, night terrors, lack of appetite, indigestion, and developmental delay. The baby can take one packet three times a day. Typically, after 1-2 months, it can stabilize symptoms of developmental delay.