
The baby is about to be a month old, but the face is still yellowish, and sometimes small amounts of foam are vomited. The baby often sticks out the tongue. The baby is in good spirits, breastfeeding is normal, deep sleep is normal, and the weight has increased from 6 jin at birth to over 8 jin as it approaches full month. Jaundice symptoms started from the third day after birth and have not subsided yet. The umbilical cord is in the process of falling off, and the jaundice index hasn’t exceeded 12.5mg. How should it be handled?


Based on the description, the baby may have breastmilk jaundice. It is recommended that the mother maintain sufficient breastfeeding, as more feeding can help the baby’s metabolism and accelerate the disappearance of jaundice. Avoid feeding the baby sugar water, and warm breast milk to 56 degrees Celsius before giving it to the baby after allowing it to sit for 15 minutes and then cooling it down. There is no need to stop breastfeeding, which would be a hardship for both the baby and the mother. Breastmilk jaundice usually subsides around 2 months after birth.