
The child has had left eye esotropia symptoms since birth. This condition has been present since birth. Previous rescue situations and effects: Some information says that as the child grows older, the condition can recover completely on its own, so no rescue has been sought. What kind of assistance is needed: Hello, do you need treatment? What kind of treatment method…


Different treatment methods are adopted based on the severity: For asymptomatic accommodative esotropia, since children have strong fusion and convergence abilities, no treatment may be necessary. However, some children with accommodative esotropia may experience symptoms such as eye strain, orbital pain, and headaches after near-distance viewing, and appropriate treatment can be considered. For internal esotropia, mydriasis and spectacle fitting are required; for hyperopia, appropriate spectacle correction is used. For external esotropia, convergence training can be performed to strengthen the strength of the adductors to eliminate external esotropia. If the effect is not satisfactory, a prism spectacle can be worn. For children with exotropia greater than 10° (20Δ) when viewing near objects, surgical treatment can be considered. Guidance: Intermittent esotropia is often downward, and once detected, mydriasis should be performed for refraction, and sufficient downward spectacle correction should be used to correct the intermittent esotropia. After wearing glasses, it can often completely correct intermittent esotropia. For children with intermittent exotropia, strabismus and binocular function tests should be conducted to understand the binocular visual function status. Treatment should be carried out as early as possible before binocular single vision function is lost. If binocular single vision function is lost, there is still a possibility of recovery to normal before the age of 7 through surgical correction. If the degree of strabismus is very small, negative lenses and convergence training can be worn, but this can only alleviate symptoms and is not easy to recover spontaneously. Survival care: Wishing the child intelligence and health. The above is the suggestion for the question “How to Treat a 4-Month-Old Child’s Left Eye Esotropia,” hoping it will be helpful to you.