
What should I do if I have a slight cough and the expectorant medicine does not work?


Coughing with phlegm is often caused by bacterial infections. Sometimes, children may cough up yellow and sticky phlegm, accompanied by a fever. In such cases, it is necessary to use antibacterial medications for treatment. Of course, regardless of the medication used, especially when a child is sick, parents should take their child to a doctor promptly. Guidance: In addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor, parents can also use techniques such as bouncing or patting the child’s back to improve blood circulation in the child’s lungs, making the phlegm in the child’s airways loosen up and assist in expelling the phlegm more quickly. Of course, there is a proper method for patting the child’s back. Parents can have the child lie on their side; if the child is too young, hold the child and let them lie on their side in your arms. Pay attention to arching your hand back when patting and keeping your palm hollow. From top to bottom and from outside to inside, gently pat both sides of the child’s back alternately. Each side should be patted for 3 to 5 minutes, twice or three times a day.